about us

About DPS
Once in a way, dreaming the impossible may be the most practical thing to do. The report of the education commission on the emergence of an egalitarian and integrated society spoke of a dream, a dream every committed educationist in India has, a dream of providing quality education to children in every part of our vast country. This very same dream is what inspires the Delhi Public School Society to nurture a family of over 200 schools abroad and even in the remotest, most inaccessible parts of the country.
The Team
We aim to build self-esteem and to train minds that can think and inquire. We strive to nurture an ethos of co-operation while fostering an idol of leadership.
Our Teachers
At DPS PANVEL, we recognise the importance of love and guidance in a student’s life. In view of this, we have engaged experienced teachers who not only possess a command of their disciplines but also the means through which stray passions found in students can be transformed into real life skills.
At DPS PANVEL it is equally important to keep parents involved in the process of shaping their child’s future. Parents are as much a part of the teaching-learning process as the teachers. The school encourages a healthy and ongoing teacher-pupil-parent interaction. The participation and presence of parents in school activities is encouraged at DPS Panvel.